Tuesday, December 23, 2008

3rd: The Necessity of Love

Life is... filled with people that love you

Hello world,

Maybe that's an overstatement or maybe that's an understatement. So is life really filled with people that love you and me? The answer is a clear yes. I never realized this until recently. These people, I knew they cared about me, but I never saw how much I meant to them. Forgive me, I'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but I honestly mean what I am saying.

Few days ago, I went to a party and to my surprise, my two cousins were there. It was totally unexpected and I was so stoked to see them. Seriously, they're freaking awesome. That day, I saw how much I have changed. My cousins pointed that out to me. They told me how glad they were to be able to have a time like that with me. I mean, I've basically lived with them since i was born. They used to come take care of me and visit me everyday after I was born. I honestly can say that they are probably my two closest family members. Anyway, we talked about school and life. Surprisingly, my parents were not the only ones that expected much out of me. My two cousins never told me this until now. They had so much expectations and hopes for me - it was beyond what I had imagined. Yes, I knew they cared and wanted the best for me but I had not a slightly clue of the life that they wanted me to live. Some topics were not as serious as other. Actually, there were countless numbers of idiotic things but everything was precious to me. Some of the stuff they told me were "hey, WE cant marry a white guy but YOU can. So you should. I am so down for that". I mean, no matter how stupid it was, it was a valuable time. It truly showed me how important love was in our lives. Knowing that somebody deeply cared for and loved you can change your life. For me, it just proved how much more i needed to study. I need to get into some prestigious college and I need to make them proud. It's more than making myself and my parents feel good. This is a way for me to show them that I love them too. There are other ways to express love but as for me, I choose to express it this way. Although I know they will love me just as I am, it definitely would not hurt anyone if I got into some good college. (Well, it will be a sad story to those who get rejected but then again, life must go on. )

The basic necessities of life are: shelter, sense of belonging, and love. Shelter covers thing such as housing, food, and protection from harm. Reality check, not every one has these but it does not mean it is unnecessary. A sense of belonging, this is a tricky one. There are people that are very strong willed and they can stand up for themselves and they have no problem being their own individual. However, for the most part, humans need to feel like they belong somewhere. I know I feel this way many times. This accounts for times when we feel lonely or unwanted. Or, those times when we've been nosy. It is a natural process of life and we cannot help it. Love. Love, love, love. It is such a commonly used word. In the bible, it is used 551 times. Chapter 13, verse 13 of 1st Corinthians states "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love". I guess love is really important. It basically covers the other two necessities in life. Now, this post was pretty long. I'm not a very strong writer but I just have many things to say. So, forgive me for my low leveled writing style. As long as you get what I am saying, it is all good.

My person of the post shall be:
I bet some of the people figured this one out easily. (ahem, peter chiu) Anyway, wow we met in a very very interesting way. It's like watching a chick flick. Haha. Eh, I don't know how to start this. I don't want to describe how we met. That's a scandalous story. Just kidding. But I don't think i'll ever forget it. By the way, I am never going to another West high dance i don't think. That was almost a disaster. Moving on, you're a very confusing and fickle person. Very undecisive and a known player. (haha, forgive me for saying that) On top of all that, you're a good talker. So i guess that accounts for your player-ness. Whatever your reason may be, I still think you're quite a person. It's fun talking to you although sometimes, you make me feel crappy. But that's alright. I know you're kidding. At least i hope you are. Dude you better be kidding. I'm sorry i always talk about myself to you. I know it can get a bit annoying but you're a pretty understanding person i realized. Thanks dude. But most of all, thanks for listening to my crap all the time. Now, i've surpassed the level where I complain. I've come to a level where I talk nonsense. My nonsense includes me talking about how I'm gonna get into Stanford. I say my chances are slim, but you never tell me that. So far, you've told me to study to get into Stanford. That's a motivation. I'm sorry my grades are not good. But I honestly hope you don't mind. Promise is a promise. So if I don't get straight A's I guess you don't have to take me. It's up to you. (: I think i've been sleeping super late because of you recently. JK but haha those retarded times on meebo. Fun stuff. And i absolutely love how you get mad at me everyday. I'm realllllllllyyyyy sorry. Like, really, I am. (: Anyway, it is time for me to go to bed. So I shall end my story here. Good night to you too (: Oh, next times, when you attempt at a flower face, please do it right. Don't kill the poor pretty flower face of mine :P jk. Text! And stop and breathe dude. 


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