Wednesday, December 24, 2008

4th: Obsessiveness

Life is... good when you get presents

Hello world,

So as I'm reading through other people's blog, I've been wondering. What is this blog for? Is it to vent out thoughts? To journal your life? What is the use of this really? Whatever the answer may be, I'm excited to be on it again. I know i've said this like one thousand times but other people are writing like they are some well paid journalists for Newsweek or Times. Anyway, I really enjoy writing here on my blog. Although I have to admit, this is not private at all. I am hoping that no one creepy will stalk me.

I chose to write about obsessiveness. I went shopping with my mom today and I got a Christmas present (yay!) not from my parents but from someone else. Either way, it made me think. Why did I buy what I bought? Honestly, it was because I just liked it. It's a brown jacket and really, I have about three other jackets but I still wanted this one. Now, I would not call this being obsessive but it is questionable. What does being obsessive mean? Doing things over and over again? Having something occupy you so much that you can't do anything else? Definition of obsession is the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc. Personally, I guess I have many obsessions myself. Texting, sleeping, shopping, and namebrands. Sadly, all those things are useless things that will not last a while. So when people claim that God must be your obsession, He should dominate your thoughts and feelings. Period. I know I may sound hypocritical because God is not my obsession many times and I'm talking about how he should be; just hear me out. Life truly is not a whole length of time. As a matter of fact, 2008 will be over in 7 days. Amazing right? Truly. To have our lives be filled with those unnecessary things, it seems so futile. However, being humans, we can't help it. I can't help it. I tell myself constantly not to be a materialistic freak but once again, I have conquered at being one. It is amazing how I do it. Anyway, putting that aside, I want to learn how to be obsessed with God. I truly respect those who are filled with God all the time. For example, my daddy chuntastic. He seriously inspires me so much. You can just see God in him. A MAZING. Anyway, I guess this is something that we all need to work on . I'd appreciate your prayers on this.

You know what else I need to work on? Writing in the same verb tense. My tenses are all over the place. I know blogspot is an informal writing but I dont think it'll hurt to write like how I am supposed to in English class. (:

I talked about chuntastic before so I guess he shall be my pod (person of day)
I reckon KC doesnt have a blog. Doesn't matter! I dont think words can fully describe Kevin. First of all he's my daddy. I've known kevin for about.... 7 years? 6 years? I don't even remember. I just remember that Kevin was not like the other guys. Yes the other guys back in the elementary days. Dear. They were so mean to me T.T But those were some fun times man. Every guy was so mean to me. They hated me and I hated them. I gave up trying to be nice to them. Haha. Honest confession guys. I'm sorry (: Anyway, Kevin was always nice. He was always the one that cared and looked after people. He says he changed a lot and all that change just made him an even better person. Everyone who wrote or writes about talks of him as a Man of God. There is certainly no doubt about that. It is so evident that his faith is strong wherever and whenever. Really, I look up to Kevin a lot and not only cuz he's my daddy :P but because he's truly a legit person to follow after. I'm so blessed to have someone like KC in my life and I can say that he influences my life in little or big ways. Whatever way he does it doesn't matter. I know I don't talk to you very much Kevin but I know that when I have something to talk about you'll be a great listener. We'll have some more GT later dude. Bring back more Sunday School stories (: Dank! Thanks Mr. Chuntastic. You're more incredible than Mr. Incredible.


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